Alexander Taggart McGill (1807-1889)
Alexander Taggart McGill is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey.
Introduction to Mrs. N.W. Campbell, Why Am I a Presbyterian? (1852)
Faith and Sight Contrasted (1853, 1861)
Discourses at the Inauguration of the Rev. Alexander T. M'Gill, D.D. (1854)
Sinful But Not Forsaken: A Sermon (1861)
The Hand of God With the Black Race: A Discourse (1862)
Introductory Notice to Loyal Young’s Commentary on Ecclesiastes (1865)
Tenure of the Elder’s Office (1872)
Patriotism, Philanthropy, and Religion: An Address (1877)
The Book of Discipline in a Revised Form, as Proposed by the Assembly’s Revision Committee (1881)
Church Government: A Treatise (1888)
Alexander Taggart McGill, D.D., LL.D. (1889)
A Short History of American Presbyterianism From Its Foundations to the Reunion of 1869 (1903)