B.B. Warfield’s Book Reviews

This page contains book reviews by B.B. Warfield. For other works by B.B. Warfield, see his main page here.

  1. Review of Georg Heinrici, Erklarung der Korinthierbriefe I (1880)

  2. Review of Carl F. Keil, Commentar üeber die Evangelien Markus und Lucas (1880)

  3. Review of Theodor Zahn, ed., Acta Joannis (1881)

  4. Review of J.S. Howson, The Evidential Value of the Acts of the Apostles (1881)

  5. Review of William G. Blaikie, The Personal Life of David Livingstone (1881)

  6. Review of Hermann Cremer, Biblisch-theologisches Werterbuch der N. T. lichen Graecitaet (1882)

  7. Review of Weston, et al., Lectures on the New Testament (1882)

  8. Review of Oscar de Gebhardt, Novum Testamentum Graece (1882)

  9. Review of Carl F. Keil, Commentar üeber das Evangelium des Johannis (1882)

  10. Review of Hermann Cremer, Biblisch Theologisches Woerterbuch der N.T. Graecitaet [2nd part] (1883)

  11. Review of Oscar v. Gebhardt, Novum Graece et Germanice [2nd review] (1883)

  12. Review of Joseph A. Beet, A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians (1883)

  13. Review of Hermann Cremer, Biblisch Theologisches Woerterbuch der N.T. Graecitaet (3rd part) (1883)

  14. Review of Richard A. Lipsius, Die Apocryphen Apostelgeschichten und Apostellegenden (1883)

  15. Review of Philip Schaff, A Companion to the Greek Testament and the English Version (1884)

  16. Review of Frederick H. Scrivener, A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament (1884)

  17. The Prolegomena to Tischendorf’s New Testament (1885)

  18. Review of Thomas C. Edwards, A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians (1885)

  19. Review of Canon Spence, The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, and Philip Schaff, The Oldest Church Manual (1885)

  20. Review of Philip Schaff, The Oldest Church Manual [PR] (1886)

  21. One Miller’s Grist (1886)

  22. Review of J. Rendel Harris, The Teaching of the Apostles and the Sibylline Books (1886)

  23. Patristic Literature and Its Greatest Exponent (1887)

  24. The New Lexicon of the New Testament (1887)

  25. Hodge’s Theological Lectures (1887)

  26. Review of F.X. Funk, ed., Doctrina Duodecim Apostolorum (1887)

  27. Review of Georg Heinrici, Erklarung der Korinthierbriefe II (1888)

  28. Review of Robert Watts, The Reign of Causality: A Vindication of the Scientific Principle of Telic Causal Efficiency (1888)

  29. Review of A.A. Hodge and J. Aspinwall Hodge, The System of Theology Contained in the Westminster Shorter Catechism Opened and Explained (1888)

  30. Review of Cameron Mann, Five Discourses on Future Punishment (1888)

  31. Review of James McCosh, The Religious Aspect of Evolution (1888)

  32. Review of L.C. Baker, The Fire of God's Anger (1888)

  33. The New Theology in the Antipodes [Independent] (1888)

  34. The New Theology in the Antipodes [Presbyterian Quarterly] (1888)

  35. Review of Louis Gaussen, Theopneustia (1888) [Also reviewed is Basil Manly, The Bible Doctrine of Inspiration; and George T. Ladd, What is the Bible?]

  36. The New Theology in the Antipodes: The End of the Controversy [Independent] (1889)

  37. Review of Thomas Witherow’s The Form of the Christian Temple (1889)

  38. Review of Lyman Abbott, The Epistle to the Romans (1889)

  39. Review of George T. Purves, The Testimony of Justyn Martyr to Early Christianity (1889)

  40. Review of J.I.D. Hinds, Charles Darwin (1889)

  41. Review of James L. Martin, Dr. Girardeau's Anti-Evolution (1889)

  42. Gore’s Ministry of the Christian Church (1889)

  43. Review of Libellum de Aleatoribus and Anonymus Adversus Aleatores (1890)

  44. Review of Arthur J. Mason, The Faith of the Gospel (1890)

  45. Review of Charles M. Mead, Supernatural Revelation (1890)

  46. Review of C.R. Gregory, The Prolegomena to Tischendorf's New Testament, Part II (1890)

  47. Review of Edward B. Hodge, Five Sermons on the "Five Points" (1890)

  48. Review of Karl Knoke, Practisch-Theologischer Kommentar zu den Pastoralbriefen des Apostels Paulus; and Ernest Bertrand, Essai Critique sur l'Authenticité des Épîtres Pastorales (1890)

  49. Review of Dr. Martin Luther’s sämmtliche Schriften (1890)

  50. Review of J. William Dawson, Modern Ideas of Evolution (1891)

  51. Review of Francis R. Beattie, Christian Apologetics (1891)

  52. Review of G. Frederick Wright, The Ice Age in North America, and Its Bearings on the Antiquity of Man (1891)

  53. Review of J. Macbride Sterrett, Reason and Authority in Religion (1891)

  54. Review of Paton J. Gloag, Introduction to the Johannine Writings; David Brown, The Apocalypse; and Karl Erbes, Die Offenbarung Johannis Kritisch Untersucht (1891)

  55. Review of J. Macbride Sterrett, Reason and Authority in Religion (1891)

  56. Review of Emanuel V. Gerhart, Institutes of the Christian Religion [Magazine of Christian Literature] (1891)

  57. Review of G. Frederick Wright, American Religious Leaders: Charles Grandison Finney (1891)

  58. Review of A.R. Kremer, A Biographical Sketch of John Williamson Nevin, D.D., LL.D., Doctor of Praestantissimus (1891)

  59. Review of Robert L. Dabney, Discussions, Vol. 1: Theological and Evangelical (1891)

  60. Review of D. Fisk Harris, Calvinism Contrary to God's Word and Man's Moral Nature (1891)

  61. Review of John L. Girardeau, Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism (1891)

  62. Review of Emanuel V. Gerhart, Institutes of the Christian Religion [PRR] (1891)

  63. Review of Francis L. Patton, Caspar Wistar Hodge (1892)

  64. Review of Henry E. Robins, The Harmony of Ethics With Theology [PRR] (1892)

  65. Review of Geerhardus Vos, De Vergondsleer in de Gereformeerde Theologie (1892)

  66. Review of Robert Watts, Dr. Briggs' Theology Traced to Its Organific Principle (1892)

  67. Review of Henry E. Robins, The Harmony of Ethics With Theology [Magazine of Christian Literature] (1892)

  68. Review of J. Rendel Harris, Texts and Studies and The Codex Sangallensis; Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Altchristlichen Literatur; and Philip Schaff, A Companion to the Greek Testament and the English Version (4th ed.) (1892)

  69. Review of G.G. Stokes, Natural Theology, Vol. 1 (1892)

  70. Review of Edwin W. Rice, Our Sixty-Six Sacred Books (1892)

  71. Review of Robert L. Dabney, Discussions, Vol. 2: Evangelical (1892)

  72. Review of R.Q. Mallard, Plantation Life Before Emancipation (1892)

  73. Review of Charles B. Warring, Genesis I and Modern Science (1892)

  74. Review of Miley’s Systematic Theology (1893-1895)

  75. Review of Philip Schaff, Theological Propædeutic, Part I (1893)

  76. Review of W.G.T. Shedd, Calvinism: Pure and Mixed (1893)

  77. Review of Morgan Dix, The Sacramental System (1893)

  78. Review of Jacob A. Riis, How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New York, and The Children of the Poor (1893)

  79. Review of Chambers’ Encyclopedia (1893)

  80. Review of N.S. Shaler, The Interpretation of Nature (1893)

  81. Review of Henry Calderwood, Evolution and Man's Place in Nature (1893)

  82. Review of J. Patterson Smyth, How God Inspired the Bible; John DeWitt, What is Inspiration?; and T. George Rooke, Inspiration (1894)

  83. Review of Philip Schaff, Theological Propædeutic, Part II (1894)

  84. Review of W.G.T. Shedd, Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy (1894)

  85. Review of Robert L. Dabney, Discussions, Vol. 3: Philosophical (1894)

  86. Review of Charles M. Mead, Some Current Notions Concerning Dogmatic Theology (1894)

  87. Review of Prof. Marais, Darwinism (1894)

  88. Review of Emory Miller, The Evolution of Love (1894)

  89. Review of C.R. Gregory, The Prolegomena to Tischendorf's New Testament, Part III; Frederick H. Scrivener, A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament (4th ed.); Wilhelm Bousset, Textkritische Studien zum Neun Testament; and Ernst von Dobschütz, Studien zur Textkritik der Vulgata (1894)

  90. Review of William H. Green, Die Feste der Hebraeer (1895)

  91. Review of G.G. Stokes, Natural Theology, Vol. 2 (1895)

  92. Review of James Iverach, Christianity and Evolution (1895)

  93. Review of W.J. Knox Little, Sacerdotalism (1895)

  94. Review of J. William Dawson, The Meeting-Place of Geology and History (1895)

  95. Review of William Mackintosh, The Natural History of the Christian Religion (1895)

  96. Review of C.W. Rishell, The Higher Criticism (1895)

  97. Review of Francis Beattie, Radical Criticism (1895)

  98. Review of James Denney, Studies in Theology [PRR] (1895)

  99. Review of James Denney, Studies in Theology [Christian Literature] (1895)

  100. Review of John Laidlaw, The Bible Doctrine of Man (1896)

  101. Review of Charles Gore, Dissertations on Subjects Connected With the Incarnation (1896)

  102. Review of George J. Romanes, Darwin and After Darwin, Vols. 1 & 2 (1896)

  103. Review of George J. Romanes, Mind and Motion, and Monism (1896)

  104. Review of John C. Lowrie, Memoirs of the Hon. Walter Lowrie (1897)

  105. Review of Herman Bavinck, De Algemeene Genade (1897)

  106. Review of Parke P. Flournoy, The Searchlight of St. Hippolytus (1897)

  107. Review of Francis R. Beattie, The Presbyterian Standards (1897)

  108. Review of Robert L. Dabney, The Five Points of Calvinism (1897)

  109. Review of Alexander Whyte, Bible Characters: Adam to Achan (1897)

  110. Review of Hugh Mortimer Cecil, Pseudo-Philosophy at the End of the Nineteenth Century (1897)

  111. Review of Dean Burgon on the Traditional Text (1897) [Also reviewed is George Salmon, Some Thoughts on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament; Frederick H.A. Scrivener, Adversaria Critica Sacra; Frederick Henry Chase, The Old Syriac Element in the Text of Codex Bezae and The Syro-Latin Text of the Gospels; and J. Rendel Harris, Four Lectures on the Western Text of the New Testament.]

  112. Review of A.F. Mitchell, The Westminster Assembly (1897)

  113. Review of Recent Reprints of the Westminster Shorter Catechism (1897)

  114. Review of John Laidlaw, Foundation Truths of Scripture as to Sin and Salvation (1897)

  115. Review of B.B. Warfield, Two Studies in the History of Doctrine (1898)

  116. Review of Memorial Volume of the Westminster Assembly, 1647-1897 (1898)

  117. Review of Charles E. Edwards, Scripture Texts with Expositions and Sentence Prayers From Calvin's Commentaries on the Minor Prophets (1898)

  118. Review of Robert L. Dabney’s Christ Our Penal Substitute (1898)

  119. Review of Andrew D. White, A History of the Warfare of Science With Theology in Christendom (1898)

  120. Review of James Hastings, ed., A Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. 1 (1898)

  121. Review of H.M.B. Reid, A Cameronian Apostle (1898)

  122. Review of Andrew Lang, The Making of Religion (1898)

  123. Review of J. Rendel Harris and Helen B. Harris, Letters From the Scenes of the Recent Massacres in Armenia (1898)

  124. Review of Robert L. Dabney, Christ Our Penal Substitute (1899)

  125. Review of Emily L. Gregory, A Scientist's Confession of Faith (1899)

  126. Review of A.F. Mitchell, A Compendious Book of Godly and Spiritual Songs (1899)

  127. Review of Memorial Book of the Sesquicentennial of Princeton University (1899)

  128. Review of William H. Roberts, ed., Addresses at the Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Westminster Assembly (1899)

  129. Review of George J. Romanes, Darwin and After Darwin, Vol. 3 (1899)

  130. Review of J. William Dawson, Relics of Primeval Life (1899)

  131. Review of Arthur J. Mason, The Conditions of Our Lord's Life on Earth; Robert L. Ottley, The Doctrine of the Incarnation; H.C. Powell, The Principle of the Incarnation; E.H. Gifford, The Incarnation; Thomas Adamson, Studies in the Mind of Christ; and Francis J. Hall, The Kenotic Theory (1899)

  132. Review of S.H. Kellogg, A Handbook of Comparative Religion (1900)

  133. Review of James Hastings, ed., A Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. 2 (1900)

  134. Review of Charles H. Spurgeon, Autobiography (1900)

  135. Review of James S. Dennis, Christian Missions and Social Progress. A Sociological Study of Foreign Missions, Vol. 2 (1900)

  136. Review of William H. Green, General Introduction to the Old Testament: The Text (1900)

  137. Review of Charles A. Briggs, General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scriptures (1900)

  138. Review of Ismar J. Peritz, Woman in the Ancient Hebrew Cult (1900)

  139. Review of Albert J. Cook, Biblical Quotations in Old English Prose Writers (1900)

  140. Review of Bruston on Le début de l'Épître aux Hébreux (1900)

  141. Review of Émile Doumergue, Jean Calvin: Les Hommes et Les Choses de Son Temps (1900-1912) [Warfield reviewed Doumergue’s (ultimately 7-volume) biography of John Calvin in The Presbyterian and Reformed Review (Oct. 1900) [Vol. 1], and in The Princeton Theological Review (Apr. 1904) [Vol. 2], (Apr. 1907) [Vol. 3], and (July 1912) [Vol. 4].]

  142. Review of D. Douglas Bannerman, The Shorter Catechism of 1647 and the Free Church Catechism of 1898 (1900)

  143. Review of James Hastings, ed., A Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. 3 (1901)

  144. Review of John MacPherson, Christian Dogmatics (1901)

  145. Review of In Memoriam: Robert Lewis Dabney (1901)

  146. Review of B.T. McClelland, The System of Doctrine Formulated By the Westminster Assembly (1901)

  147. Review of Henry C. Minton, Christianity Supernatural (1901)

  148. Review of Herman Bavinck, Schepping of Ontwikkeling (1901)

  149. Review of A.F. Mitchell, The Scottish Reformation (1902)

  150. Review of Andrew Lang, Magic and Religion (1902)

  151. Review of Frederic G. Kenyon, Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts, The Paleography of Greek Papyri, and Handbook to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament (1902)

  152. Review of Frederic G. Kenyon, Handbook to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament (1902)

  153. Review of James Hastings, ed., A Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. 4 (1902)

  154. Review of The Holy Bible, American Revised Version (1902)

  155. Review of T.R. Glover, Life and Letters in the Fourth Century (1902)

  156. Review of George Campbell, A Revolution in the Science of Cosmology (1902)

  157. Review of Herman Bavinck, De Zekerheid des Geloofs (1903)

  158. Review of Joseph McCabe, St. Augustine and His Age (1903)

  159. The Confessions of St. Augustine (1903)

  160. Review of Georg Rietschel, Weihnachten in Kirche, Kunst und Volksleben (1903)

  161. Review of Deborah Alcock, Under Calvin’s Spell (1903)

  162. Review of Louis F. Benson, The Early Editions of Dr. Watts' Hymns and The Evolution of a Great Hymn (1903)

  163. Review of John MacPherson, The Doctrine of the Church in Scottish Theology (1903)

  164. Review of Hugh Johnston, Beyond Death (1903)

  165. Review of Sydney C. Tickell, Christian Heresies (1903)

  166. Review of B.B. Warfield, The Power of God Unto Salvation (1903)

  167. Review of B.B. Warfield, Acts and Pastoral Epistles (1904)

  168. Review of W.G. Koons, The Child’s Religious Life (1904)

  169. Review of Louis F. Benson, The American Revisions of Watts' Psalms (1904)

  170. Review of Greville Macdonald, The Religious Sense in Its Scientific Aspects (1904)

  171. Review of H.H. Kuyper, Evolutie of Revelatie (1904)

  172. Review of James Denney, The Atonement and the Modern Mind (1904)

  173. Review of James Hastings, ed., A Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. 5 (1905)

  174. Review of Thomas Cary Johnson, The Life and Letters of Robert Lewis Dabney (1905)

  175. Review of Anselm, Proslogium; Monologium; and Cur Deus Homo; and The Devotions of Saint Anselm (1905)

  176. Review of D. Hay Fleming, The Story of the Scottish Covenants in Outline (1905)

  177. Review of D. Hay Fleming, The Scottish Reformation (1905)

  178. Review of Herman Bavinck, De Zekerheid Des Geloofs, Christelijke Wetenschap, Christelijke Wereldbeschouwing, Paedagogische Beginselen (1905)

  179. Review of W. Beveridge, A Short History of the Westminster Assembly (1905)

  180. Review of Auguste Sabatier, The Doctrine of the Atonement, and Its Historical Evolution (1905)

  181. Review of Marcus Dods, The Bible, Its Origin and Nature (1906)

  182. The Children in the Hands of the Arminians (1906)

  183. Review of George B. Stevens, The Christian Doctrine of Salvation (1906)

  184. Review of James Orr, God's Image in Man, and Its Defacement, in the Light of Modern Denials (1906)

  185. Review of J.M.E. McTaggart, Some Dogmas of Religion (1907)

  186. Review of Richard V. Lancaster, The Creed of Christ (1907)

  187. Review of The Religion of Christ in the Twentieth Century (1907)

  188. Review of David W. Forrest, The Authority of Christ (1907)

  189. Review of B.B. Warfield, The Lord of Glory (1908)

  190. Review of H. Weinel, St. Paul (1908)

  191. Review of W. Bousset, Jesus (1908)

  192. Review of W. Bousset, What is Religion? (1908)

  193. Review of Émile Doumergue, Les Etapes du Fidéisme and Le Dernier Mot du Fidéisme (1908)

  194. Review of Vernon L. Kellogg, Darwinism To-Day (1908)

  195. Review of George Paulin, No Struggle For Existence: No Natural Selection (1908)

  196. Review of Herman Bavinck, Psychologie der Religie (1909)

  197. Review of John Willcock, A Scots Earl in Covenanting Times (1909)

  198. Review of J. Gibson Smith, The Christ of the Cross (1909)

  199. Review of James Hastings, ed., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 1 (1909)

  200. Review of Georg Misch, Geschichte der Autobiographie (1909)

  201. Review of Augustine, Confessions (1909)

  202. Review of Émile Doumergue, Calvin le Prédicateur de Genève (1910)

  203. Review of Émile Doumergue, Iconographie Calvinienne (1910)

  204. Review of James Hastings, ed., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 2 (1910)

  205. Review of D. Hay Fleming, The Reformation in Scotland, Characteristics, Consequences (1910)

  206. Review of Reinhold Seeberg, Revelation and Inspiration (1910)

  207. Review of Wilhelm Schmidt, Die verschiedenen Typen religiöser Ehrfahrung und die Pyschologie (1911)

  208. Review of John Mason Neale, Letters (1911)

  209. Review of Victor Monod, Le Problème de Dieu (1911)

  210. Review of James W. Richard, The Confessional History of the Lutheran Church (1911)

  211. Review of Reginald Pecock's Book of Faith (1911)

  212. Review of Adolph Harnack, Essays on the Social Gospel, and Monasticism; The Programme of Modernism; and Anglican Liberalism (1911)

  213. Review of J.F.F. Gerike, Widerlegung der von Pastor Allwardt Herausgegebenen Schrift (1911)

  214. Review of Heinrich Scholz, Christentum und Wissenschaft in Schleiermachers Glaubenslehre (1911)

  215. Review of Francis G. Stokes, ed., Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum (1911)

  216. Review of William Sanday, Christologies Ancient and Modern (1911)

  217. Review of Johannes Weiss, Christus; Christologie des Urchristentums; Paulus und Jesus; Jesus im Glauben des Urchristentums; Jesus von Nazareth; and Die Geschichtlichkeit Jesu (1911)

  218. Review of James Hastings, ed., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 3 (1911)

  219. Review of William Sanday, Personality in Christ and in Ourselves (1911)

  220. Review of Émile Doumergue, La Réformation et la Révolution (1912)

  221. Review of James Hastings, ed., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 4 (1912)

  222. Review of J. Estlin Carpenter, The Historical Jesus and the Theological Christ (1912)

  223. Review of Ernst Troeltsch, Die Bedeutung der Geschichtlichkeit Jesu fur den Glauben (1912)

  224. Review of Eberhard Vischer, Jesus Christus in der Geschichte (1912)

  225. Review of Émile Doumergue, La Hongrie Calviniste (1913)

  226. Review of Arthur Drews, Die Chrisusmythe and The Witness to the Historicity of Jesus (1913)

  227. Review of Shirley J. Case, The Historicity of Jesus (1913)

  228. Review of David Smith, The Historic Jesus (1913)

  229. Review of Jean Barnaud, Pierre Viret and Quelques Lettres Inédites de Pierre Viret (1913)

  230. Review of E. Digges La Touche, The Person of Christ in Modern Thought (1913)

  231. Review of Is Jesus God? by Princeton Seminary Graduates (1913)

  232. Review of James Hastings, ed., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 5 (1913)

  233. Review of Heinrich Scholz, Glaube und Unglaube in der Weltgeschitchte; and John S. McIntosh, A Study of Augustine's Version of Genesis (1913)

  234. Review of Foundations (1913)

  235. Review of Herman Bavinck, Groote Godsdiensten (1913)

  236. Review of D. Hay Fleming, Critical Reviews Relating Chiefly to Scotland (1913)

  237. Review of John Willcock, Life of Sir Henry Vane the Younger (1913)

  238. Review of Friedrich Loofs, What Is the Truth About Jesus Christ? (1913)

  239. Review of W.P. Paterson, The Rule of Faith (1913)

  240. Review of Evelyn Underhill, Mysticism; The Mystic Way; Immanence; and The Miracles of Our Lady Saint Mary (1914)

  241. Review of H.W. Robinson, The Christian Doctrine of Man (1914)

  242. Review of T.R. Glover, The Christian Tradition and Its Verification and The Nature and Purpose of a Christian Society (1914)

  243. Review of J.P. Thomson, Alexander Henderson the Covenanter (1914)

  244. Review of D. Hay Fleming, The Last Days of John Knox (1914)

  245. Review of James Hastings, ed., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 6 (1914)

  246. Review of Theodore Haering, The Christian Faith (1914)

  247. Review of B.B. Warfield, The Saviour of the World (1914)

  248. Review of Émile Doumergue, Calomnies Anti-Protestantes (1915)

  249. Review of James Hastings, ed., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 7 (1915)

  250. Review of B.B. Warfield, The Plan of Salvation (1915)

  251. Review of Franz Steinleitner, Die Beicht (1915)

  252. Review of W.K. Fleming, Mysticism in Christianity, and J.W. Buckham, Mysticism and Modern Life (1916)

  253. Review of James Hastings, ed., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 8 (1916)

  254. Review of B.B. Warfield, Faith and Life (1916)

  255. Review of James Hastings, ed., Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, Vol. 1 (1917)

  256. Review of Henry Beets, The Compendium Explained (1917)

  257. Review of J.K. Mozley, The Doctrine of the Atonement (1917)

  258. Review of James Hastings, ed., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 9 (1918)

  259. Review of James Hastings, ed., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 10 (1919)

  260. Review of Lewis Sperry Chafer, He That Is Spiritual (1919)

  261. Review of James Hastings, ed., Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, Vol. 2 (1919)

  262. Review of H. Visscher, Van den Eeuwigen Vrede tusschen Wetenschap en Religie, and H.W.V. Smit, Professor Visscher’s Rectorale Rede (1921)