Caspar Wistar Hodge, Jr. (1870-1937)
Caspar Wistar Hodge, Jr. is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey.
The Kantian Epistemology and Theism (1894)
Some Aspects of Recent German Philosophy (1896)
The Proposed Changes in the English Presbyterian Articles (1904)
The Idea of Dogmatic Theology (1908)
Christian Experience and Dogmatic Theology (1910)
Modern Positive Theology (1910)
The Finality of the Christian Religion (1912)
The Witness of the Holy Spirit to the Bible (1913)
Foreknow / Foreknowledge (1915)
Dr. Denney and the Doctrine of the Atonement (1918)
Dr. Tennant on the Divine Omnipotence and the Conception of a Finite God (1920)
The Death of Professor Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield ‘71 (1921)
The Significance of the Reformed Theology Today (1922)
The Person of Christ in Recent Religious Philosophy (1924)
“The Reformed Principle of Authority” (1925)
The Modernist Theory of Religious Knowledge (1927)
Prefatory Note to Biblical Doctrines (1929)
Prefatory Note to Studies in Tertullian and Augustine (1930)