Charles Hodge 3.jpg
Charles Hodge 4.jpg

Bust of Charles Hodge at the Princeton Theological Seminary Library, Princeton, New Jersey (photo credit: R. Andrew Myers).

Hodge Hall at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey.

Hodge Hall at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey.

Charles Hodge is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey (photo credit: R. Andrew Myers).

Charles Hodge is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey (photo credit: R. Andrew Myers).

Notes From Lectures by Archibald Alexander on Systematic Theology (1818)

A Dissertation on the Importance of Biblical Literature (1822)

A Collection of Tracts in Biblical Literature (1825)

The State of Religion in France (1827)

Journal of European Travels (1827-1828)

Introductory Lecture Delivered in the Theological Seminary, Princeton, N.J., Nov. 7, 1828 (1829)

Anniversary Address to the American Home Missionary Society (1829)

Public Education (1829)

Reply to Dr. Moses Stuart’s Examination of the Review of the American Education Society (1829)

Professor Stuart’s Postscript to His Letter to the Editors of the Biblical Repertory (1830)

Review of Cox’s Sermon on Regeneration, and the Manner of Its Occurrence (1830)

Inquiries Respecting the Doctrine of Imputation (1830)

The American Quarterly Review on Sunday Mails (1831)

Review of Sprague’s Lectures for Young People (1831)

The Christian Spectator on the Doctrine of Imputation (1831)

Remarks on Dr. Cox’s Communication (1831)

Hengstenberg on Daniel (1832)

The New Divinity Tried (1832)

On the Necessity of a Knowledge of the Original Languages of the Scriptures (1832)

On the Nature of the Atonement (1832)

Mr. Editor (1832)

The Place of the Bible in a System of Education: A Sermon…Preached…May 21, 1832 (1833, 1834)

Suggestions to Theological Students, on Some of Those Traits of Character, Which the Spirit of the Age Renders Peculiarly Important in the Ministers of the Gospel (1833)

Stuart on the Romans (1833)

Recommendation to Robert Burns, Memoirs of the Rev. Thomas Halyburton (1833)

Lachmann’s New Testament (1834)

The Act and Testimony (1834-1835)

Barnes on the Epistle to the Romans (1835)

The General Assembly of 1835 (1835)

Narrative of Reed and Matheson (1835)

A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (1835)

A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Abridged (1835, 1836)

A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (1835, 1837)

Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (1835, 1873)

Questions on the Epistle to the Romans (1835, 1846)

Rückert's Commentary on Romans (1836)

Princeton Theological Seminary (1836)

Slavery (1836)

The General Assembly of 1836 (1836)

Review of A Plea for Voluntary Societies and a Defence of the Decisions of the General Assembly of 1836 Against the Strictures of the Princeton Review and Others (1837)

Bloomfield’s Greek Testament (1837)

The General Assembly of 1837 (1837)

Oxford Tracts (1838)

State of the Church (1838)

The General Assembly of 1838 (1838)

West India Emancipation (1838)

Clap's Defence of the Doctrines of the New England Churches (1839)

General Assembly of 1839 (1839)

Testimonies on the Doctrine of Imputation (1839)

Dr. Dana’s Letters (1839)

The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church, Part 1 (1839)

The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church, Part 2 (1840)

The Latest Form of Infidelity (1840)

Davies’s State of Religion Among the Dissenters in Virginia (1840)

Dr. Hill’s American Presbyterianism (1840)

New Jersey College, and President Davies (1840)

The General Assembly of 1840 (1840)

Discourse on Religion by Mr. Coit (1840)

Bishop Doane and the Oxford Tracts (1841)

The Way of Life (1841)

The Way of Life (1841, 1869)

The Theological Opinions of President Davies (1842)

Milman’s History of Christianity (1842)

The General Assembly of 1842 (1842)

Rule of Faith (1842)

Is the God of the Jews only, and not of the Gentiles also? (1842)

I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel (1842)

Rights of Ruling Elders (1843)

The General Assembly of 1843 (1843)

General Assembly of the Church of Scotland (1844)

A Discourse Delivered at the Funeral of Mrs. Martha Rice, March 7, 1844 (1844)

Claims of the Free Church of Scotland (1844)

The Late Mrs. Martha Rice (1844)

The General Assembly of 1844 (1844)

Essay on Abolitionism (1844)

Sacerdotal Absolution (1845)

Beman on the Atonement (1845)

Thornwell on the Apocrypha (1845)

The General Assembly (1845)

Schaf’s Protestantism (1845)

A Brief Account of the Last Hours of Albert B. Dod (1845)

Theories of the Church (1846)

Essays in the Presbyterian by Theophilus on the Question: Is Baptism in the Church of Rome Valid? (1846)

Narrative of the State of Religion (1846)

The General Assembly (1846)

Neill’s Lectures on Biblical History (1846)

Religious State of Germany (1846)

The Late Dr. John Breckinridge (1846)

Life and Writings of Dr. Richards (1846)

The Orthodox Doctrine Regarding the Extent of the Atonement Vindicated (1846)

How Unsearchable are His Judgments and Ways (1847)

Finney’s Lectures on Theology (1847)

Support of the Clergy (1847)

The General Assembly (1847)

Bushnell on Christian Nurture (1847)

An Address on Parochial Schools (1848)

Review of John W. Nevin, The Mystical Presence (1848)

The General Assembly of 1848 (1848)

Dr. Spring on the Power of the Pulpit (1848)

Review of John W. Nevin, Antichrist (1848)

The Teaching Office of the Church (1848, 1882)

Exposition of Romans in Matthew Henry’s Commentary (1848)

American Board, Special Report of the Prudential Committee (1849)

Fervent in Spirit (1849)

Bushnell’s Discourses (1849)

The General Assembly (1849)

Emancipation (1849)

Memoir of Walter M. Lowrie (1850)

The General Assembly (1850)

The Theology of the Intellect and That of the Feelings (1850)

The Education Question (1850)

Civil Government (1851)

Prof. Park's Remarks on the Princeton Review (1851)

The General Assembly (1851)

The General Assembly (1852)

Faith in Christ the Source of Life (1852)

Idea of the Church (1853)

The General Assembly (1853)

Visibility of the Church (1853)

Introduction to The Faithful Mother’s Reward (1853)

Catholicity of the Gospel (1853, 1861)

Beecher’s Great Conflict (1854)

Dr. Schaff’s Apostolic Church (1854)

The Education Question (1854)

The General Assembly (1854)

Memoir of Archibald Alexander (1855)

Bishop McIlvaine on the Church (1855)

What is Presbyterianism? (1855)

Presbyterian Liturgies (1855)

The General Assembly (1855)

The Church Review on the Permanency of the Apostolic Office (1856)

The Princeton Review and Cousin’s Philosophy (1856)

The General Assembly of 1856 (1856)

The Church — Its Perpetuity (1856)

A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians (1856)

Neglect of Infant Baptism (1857)

Free Agency (1857)

The General Assembly of 1857 (1857)

Inspiration (1857)

An Exposition of the First Epistle to the Corinthians (1857, 1874)

Questions Adapted to Dr. Hodge's Exposition of the First Epistle to the Corinthians (1857)

Essays and Reviews: Selections From the Princeton Review (1857)

The Church Membership of Infants (1858)

The General Assembly (1858)

Adoption of the Confession of Faith (1858)

The Revised Book of Discipline (1858)

The Unity of Mankind (1859)

Demission of the Ministry (1859)

The General Assembly (1859)

Sunday Laws (1859)

Sermons Preached Before the Congregation of the Presbyterian Church, Corner of Fifth Avenue and Nineteenth Street, at the 'Memorial Services' October 9, 1859, Appointed in Reference to the Death of Their Late Pastor, James Waddel Alexander, D.D. (1859)

An Exposition of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians (1860)

Memorial of Cortlandt Van Rensselaer (1860)

The Fugitive Slave Law (1860, 1969)

The Bible Argument on Slavery (1860, 1969)

What is Christianity? (1860)

Dr. Hodge's Remarks at the Seminary (1860)

The First and Second Adam (1860)

Theories of the Eldership — The Constitutional View of the Presbyterian Church (1860)

Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy of the Conditioned (1860)

The General Assembly (1860)

Presbyterianism (1860)

The Church and the Country (1861)

The General Assembly (1861)

The State of the Country (1861)

Funeral Sermon for Jacob Jones Janeway (1861)

Are There Too Many Ministers? (1862)

England and America (1862)

The General Assembly (1862)

Examination of Some Reasonings Against the Unity of Mankind (1862)

The War (1863)

The General Assembly (1863)

Relation of the Church and State (1863)

Address of Dr. Hodge at the Funeral of Rev. John McDowell (1863)

Dr. Hodge’s Address at the National Sabbath Convention (1863)

Can God Be Known? (1864)

The General Assembly (1864)

Nature of Man (1865)

Principles of Church Union, and the Reunion of the Old and New-School Presbyterians (1865)

The General Assembly (1865)

President Lincoln (1865)

The Princeton Review on the State of the Country and of the Church (1865)

Systematic Theology: A Series of Questions Upon the Lectures Delivered to the Students in Princeton Theological Seminary, By the Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D. (1865)

Sustentation Fund (1866)

Bushnell on Vicarious Sacrifice (1866)

The Unity of the Church (1866, 1958)

The General Assembly (1866)

The Reunion of the Old and New-School Presbyterian Churches (1867)

Review of John T. Duffield, A Discourse Delivered at the Opening of the Synod of New Jersey, October 16th, 1866 (1867)

The General Assembly (1867)

Presbyterian Reunion (1868)

The Protest and Answer (1868)

Address of Welcome [to James McCosh] on Behalf of the Board of Trustees (1868)

The General Assembly (1869)

The New Basis of Union (1869)

Morrell on Revelation and Inspiration (1869)

Letter to Pope Pius IX (1869)

The Trial Period in History (1870)

The General Assembly (1870)

Delegation to the Southern General Assembly (1870)

Preaching the Gospel to the Poor (1871)

Retrospect of the History of the Princeton Review (1871)

Charles Hodge (1871)

Proceedings Connected with the Semi-Centennial Commemoration of the Professorship of Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D., LL.D. in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N.J., April 24, 1872 (1872)

Systematic Theology, Volume 1 (1872)

Systematic Theology, Volume 2 (1872)

Systematic Theology, Volume 3 (1873)

Address at Commencement Week (1873)

A Solemn Question! Can the Protestants Conscientiously Build Up the Churches of the Pope? (1873)

Introduction to James B. Ramsey’s The Spiritual Kingdom (1873)

The Unity of the Church Based on Personal Union With Christ (1874)

What is Darwinism? (1874)

Princeton Theological Seminary: A Discourse Delivered at the Re-Opening of the Chapel, September 27, 1874 (1874)

October 12, 1874 Letter to Robert Watts (1874, 1875)

Christianity Without Christ (1876)

November 2, 1877 Letter to Robert Bremner (1877, 1878)

The Intuitions and Views of Future Punishment (1878)

Discussions in Church Polity (1878)

The Church and Its Polity (1879)

Princeton Sermons: Outlines of Discourses, Doctrinal and Practical (1879)

Conference Papers (1879)

Discourses Commemorative of the Life and Work of Charles Hodge, D.D., LL.D. (1879)

Prayer at the 1878 Funeral of Joseph Henry (1880)

Autobiography (1880)

The Life of Charles Hodge (1880)

Charles Hodge, D.D., LL.D. (1884)

Princetoniana: Charles & A.A. Hodge: With Class and Table Talk of Hodge the Younger (1888)

An Unpublished Letter of Dr. Hodge to Dr. S.S. Schmucker, On Christian Union (1899)

Charles Hodge (1797-1878) (1963)

No Condemnation (n.d.)

Hodge, Charles, Lectures Notes From Archibald Alexander on Systematic Theology Title Page.jpg

These notes were transcribed by Travis Fentiman and others, and published in 2019 under the title God, Creation & Human Rebellion (Reformation Heritage Books) with a Preface by Travis Fentiman, a Foreword by Maurice Roberts, and an Introduction by James M. Garretson. The transcription and related text is available to read here.

This 2-part article appeared in the October and November 1827 issues of The Christian Advocate.

This 2-part article appeared in the October and November 1827 issues of The Christian Advocate.

Moses Stuart’s Examination precedes the reply by Charles Hodge. Hodge’s reply begins on p. 602.

Hodge, Charles, The Act and Testimony Title Page.jpg

This 2-part article appeared in the October 1834 and January 1835 issues of The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review.

October 15, 1842 manuscript sermon

October 15, 1842 manuscript sermon

November 20, 1842 manuscript sermon

November 20, 1842 manuscript sermon

Courtesy of Ryan Douthat, Union Presbyterian Seminary (Richmond, VA) Library.

January 21, 1847 manuscript sermon

January 21, 1847 manuscript sermon

This article, which appears in the January 1848 issue of The Presbyterian Treasury, was also republished under the title “Public Religious Education Enforced in a Discussion of Different Plans” in Home, The School, and the Church; or the Presbyteria…

This article, which appears in the January 1848 issue of The Presbyterian Treasury, was also republished under the title “Public Religious Education Enforced in a Discussion of Different Plans” in Home, The School, and the Church; or the Presbyterian Education Repository, Vol. 1 (1850).

Hodge, Charles, Review of The Mystical Presence Title Page.jpg

Doctrine of the Reformed Church

February 18, 1849 manuscript sermon

February 18, 1849 manuscript sermon

This 2-part article appeared in the April and July 1853 issues of The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review.

As described in the introduction to this article, this sermon was originally preached in April 1866, but not published until 1958 after the manuscript was rediscovered in the Princeton Theological Seminary Library.

This letter was signed by Moderators of the General Assembly Presbyterian Church M.W. Jacobus and P.H. Fowler, but was authored by Charles Hodge.

This letter was signed by Moderators of the General Assembly Presbyterian Church M.W. Jacobus and P.H. Fowler, but was authored by Charles Hodge.

The Whole Index to the Princeton Review is provided, but Charles Hodge’s Retrospect to the History of the Princeton Review constitutes the first portion of the work.

Includes Index to Systematic Theology by Charles Hodge (1873).

Includes Index to Systematic Theology by Charles Hodge (1873).

This is the 1879 edition of Discussions in Church Polity (1878).

This is the 1879 edition of Discussions in Church Polity (1878).

Extracted from A.A. Hodge’s The Life of Charles Hodge, D.D.

Extracted from A.A. Hodge’s The Life of Charles Hodge, D.D.