Charles Robert Hemphill (1852-1932)
Charles Robert Hemphill is buried at Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky.
The Protestant Episcopal Basis of Church Unity (1887)
Broadus’ Commentary on Matthew (1887)
Let Not Thine Heart Be Hasty to Utter Any Thing Before God (1889)
The Validity and Bearing of the Testimony of Christ and His Apostles (1889)
The General Assembly [Southern] of 1890 (1890)
Jesus’ Supreme Authority (1896)
Memorial Volume of the Westminster Assembly, 1647-1897 (1897)
The Southern Presbyterian Church (1899)
Introduction to William S. Bean, Teachings of the Lord Jesus (1903)
Some Impressions [of Dr. James Woodrow] (1909)
Robert Alexander Webb, D.D., LL.D.: A Sketch (1921)
Foreword to Lucien V. Rule, The Light Bearers: Home Mission Heroes of Presbyterian History (1926)