David McAllister (1835-1907)
David McAllister is buried at Highwood Cemetery, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The Nature and Ground of Political Dissent (1872)
The Religious Amendment Movement Just, Reasonable, and Necessary (1873)
Testimonies to the Religious Defect of the Constitution (1874)
The Christian Principles of Civil Government (1884)
David McAllister, D.D., LL.D. (1888)
The Covenanter Church of the United States and Her Covenant (1891)
The Covenanter Church of Pittsburgh (1891)
Action Sermon: The Relations of Covenanting and Communion (1891)
Poets and Poetry of the Covenant (1894)
Romanism, the Foe of Civil and Religious Liberty (1896)
The Political Attitude of Reformed Presbyterianism (1896)
Our Peril From “The Best” Seven-Day Journalism (1900)
The Origin of the State (1907)
The Ultimate Source of the State’s Authority (1907)
The Moral Ends of the State (1907)