David Schley Schaff (1852-1941)
David Schley Schaff is buried at Sewickley Cemetery, Sewickley, Pennsylvania.
Pastor Fliedner and the Order of Deaconesses (1875)
The Convent of Chicoutimi (1885)
The Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Didache (1889)
The Survival of the Weak (1891)
Presbyterianism and Education (1893)
The Parliament of Religions and the Christian Faith (1893)
The Four Gospels and the Faith of Christendom (1894)
The Life of Philip Schaff (1897)
Progress and Personality in Church History: An Inaugural Address (1898)
Demonology and the Dark Arts in the Middle Ages (1902)
The Monasticism of the Middle Ages (1903)
St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1903)
Thomas Aquinas and Leo XIII (1904)
The Mission and Opportunity of American Christianity (1904)
The Closing Century of the Middle Ages: An Inaugural Address (1904)
The Sacramental Theory of the Medieval Church (1906)
History of the Christian Church, Vol. 5, Pt. 1 (1907)
History of the Christian Church, Vol. 5, Pt. 2 (1910, 1930)
The Movement and Mission of American Christianity (1912)
Samuel Macauley Jackson as a Co-Worker With Philip Schaff (1912, 1914)
John Huss’s Treatise on the Church (1914)
De Ecclesia: The Church by John Huss (1915)
John Huss: His Life, Teachings and Death, After Five Hundred Years (1915)
The Preparation For the Protestant Reformation (1917)
The Origin and Purpose of the Protestant Reformation (1917)
Martin Luther and John Calvin, Church Reformers (1917)
Dante Six Hundred Years Ago and Now (1922)
Our Fathers Faith and Ours: A Comparison Between Protestantism and Romanism (1928)
Review of George W. Greenaway, Arnold of Brescia (1932)
Cardinal Bellarmine — Now Saint and Doctor of the Church (1933)