Douglas Kellogg Turner (1823-1902)
Douglas Kellogg Turner is buried at Neshaminy Cemetery, Hartsville, Pennsylvania.
History of Neshaminy Presbyterian Church of Warwick, Hartsville, Bucks County, PA, 1726-1876 (1876)
The Neshaminy Church (1883, 1909)
Rev. Nathaniel Irwin (1883, 1909)
Sketch of the Life of General John Davis (1884, 1909)
Sketch of the Life of Rev. Thomas B. Montanye (1884, 1909)
Admiral John A. Dahlgreen, U.S.N. (1885, 1909)
Sketch of Log College (1886, 1909)
The Schools of Neshaminy (1886, 1909)
Hon. Samuel D. Ingham (1887, 1909)
The Relations of the Pennsylvania Proprietaries to the Colonists (1888, 1909)
John Fitch, The Inventor of Steam Navigation (1889, 1909)
General Jean Victor Maria Moreau (1890, 1909)
The Claim of Connecticut to Wyoming (1892, 1909)
The Jails of Bucks County (1893, 1909)
The Beatty Family (1894, 1909)
Robert Morris the Financier of the Revolution (1894, 1909)
Representatives of Bucks County in Congress (1895, 1909)
Daniel Boone, A Native of Bucks County (1896, 1909)
General Andrew Pickens (1896, 1909)
General Jacob Brown: A Bucks County Hero of the War of 1812 (1897, 1909)
The Little Neshaminy (1897, 1909)
The Turnpike Roads (1899, 1909)
Two Old Horse Companies (1901, 1909)
William Penn’s Children (1901, 1909)
Biographical Notice of Rev. Douglas Kellogg Turner (1902, 1909)