Henry Boynton Smith (1815-1877)
Henry Boynton Smith is buried at Bridge Street Cemetery in Northampton, Massachusetts.
A Sketch of German Philosophy (1845)
The History of Doctrines (1847)
Dorner’s History of the Doctrine of the Person of Christ (1849)
The Idea of Christian Theology as a System: An Inaugural Address (1855)
A Memorial of Anson G. Phelps, Jr. (1860)
The Life, Writings and Character of Edward Robinson, D.D., LL.D. (1863)
Report to the Evangelical Alliance (1867)
Recent German Works on Apologetics (1876)
Faith and Philosophy: Discourses and Essays (1877)
Henry Boynton Smith: His Life and Work (1881)
Apologetics: A Course of Lectures (1882)
System of Christian Theology (1884, 1892)
Introduction to Christian Theology: Apologetics (1885)
Foreword to P.B. Fraser, The Union of the Churches and the Coming Presbyterian Assembly (1904)