Henry Jackson Van Dyke, Jr. is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey.
The Red River of the North (1880)
Art and Ethics in Some of Their Relations (1883)
Best Methods of Preaching and Sermonizing: The Presbyterian View (1883)
Working Orders Under Vows in Protestant Churches (1885)
The Reality of Religion (1885)
The Story of the Psalms (1887, 1913)
The National Sin of Literary Piracy (1888)
Address of the Alumni at the Inauguration of Rev. Francis Landey Patton (1888)
Neither is There Salvation in Any Other (1889)
The Poetry of Tennyson (1889, 1890)
The Unity of the Visible Church (1890)
The True Presbyterian Doctrine of the Church (1893)
Straight Sermons to Young Men and Other Human Beings (1893)
Sermons to Young Men (1893, 1913)
The Responsibility of the People For the Character of Their Rulers (1895)
At the Sign of the Balsam Bough (1895)
Responsive Readings Selected From the Bible and Arranged Under Subjects for Common Worship (1895)
The Story of the Other Wise Man (1895)
Little Rivers: A Book of Essays in Profitable Idleness (1895, 1911)
The Gospel For an Age of Doubt (1896)
Introduction to Paul Van Dyke, The Age of the Renascence (1897)
The First Christmas Tree (1897, 1906)
Counsels By the Way (1897, 1921)
The Builders: And Other Poems (1897, 1907)
The Lost Word: A Christmas Legend of Long Ago (1898)
The Atonement: The Love That Meets All Needs (1899)
Address at the Funeral of James Ormsbee Murray (1899)
A Slumber Song: For the Fisherman’s Child (1899)
A Psalm Meet For Thanksgiving Day (1899)
The Gospel for a World of Sin (1899)
Introduction to Counsel Upon the Reading of Books (1900)
The Poetry of the Psalms for Readers of the English Bible (1900)
The Friendly Year (1900, 1903)
The Toiling of Felix and Other Poems (1900, 1917)
The Ruling Passion: Tales of Nature and Human Nature (1901, 1902)
Responses by the Moderator at the Centennial of Home Missions (1902)
Brief Statement of the Reformed Faith (1902)
Knowing and Doing: Joy and Power (1903)
To a Young Friend Going Away From Home to Get an Education (1903)
The Angel of God’s Face (1903, 1909)
An Introduction to the Poems of Tennyson (1903)
Introduction to Not in the Curriculum (1903)
The Battle of Life (1903, 1907)
Fisherman’s Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things (1905)
The Van Dyke Book: Selected From the Writings of Henry Van Dyke (1905, 1921)
Joy and Power: Three Messages With One Meaning (1906)
The Book of Common Worship (1906)
The Americanism of Washington (1906)
Some Remarks on Gulls: With a Foot-Note on a Fish (1907)
Days Off and Other Digressions (1907)
How to Study Shakespeare (1907)
Francis Makemie, Presbyter to Christ in America 1683-1708 (1908)
The House of Rimmon: A Drama in Four Acts (1908)
Out-of-Doors in the Holy Land: Impressions of Travel in Body and Spirit (1908, 1924)
The White Bees and Other Poems (1909)
The Poems of Henry Van Dyke (1911)
Who Follow the Flag: Phi Beta Kappa Poem (1911)
The Sad Shepherd: A Christmas Story (1911, 1916)
Professor Henry Van Dyke, D.D., LL.D.: Preacher, Essayist, Story-Teller, Poet (1912)
The Unknown Quantity: A Book of Romance and Some Half-Told Tales (1912)
Introduction to Mary Stewart, Once Upon a Time Tales (1912)
Ars Agricolaris: An Ode of Moral Sentiments Addressed to Certain Farmer-Agents (1913)
Daybreak in the Grand Canyon of Arizona (1913)
The Grand Canyon and Other Poems (1914)
Texas: A Democratic Ode (1915)
Address Delivered at the Aldine Club (1917)
The Red Flower: Poems Written in War Time (1917)
American Rights Imperilled: Conscientious Objectors of the Fourth of July Type (1917)
Foreword to Maurice Barrès, The Faith of France (1918)
Introduction to John B. Frazier, The Navy Chaplain’s Manual (1918)
Golden Stars and Other Verses (1918, 1919)
The Valley of Vision: A Book of Romance and Some Half-Told Tales (1919)
The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France (1919)
A Book of Princeton Verse, Vol. 2 (1919)
Writers We Love to Read (1920)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 1 (1920)
The Work of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 2 (1920)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 3 (1920)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 4 (1920)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 5 (1920)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 6 (1920)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 7 (1920)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 8 (1920)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 9 (1920)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 10 (1920)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 11 (1921)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 12 (1921)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 13 (1921)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 14 (1921)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 16 (1921)
The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. 17 (1921)
Camp-Fires and Guide-Posts: A Book of Essays and Excursions (1921)
Pro Patria: The Spirit of America Fighting For Peace (1921)
A Ballad of Princeton Battle (1922)
Thy Sea is Great, Our Boats are Small: And Other Hymns of To-Day (1922)
Introduction to Austen F. Riggs, Just Nerves (1922)
Little Masterpieces of Poetry: A Book of British and American Verse (1923)
Six Days of the Week: A Book of Thoughts About Life and Religion (1924)
Introduction to Maurice F. Egan, Recollections of a Happy Life (1924)
The Golden Key: Stories of Deliverance (1926)
Light My Candle: A Book of Reflections (1926)