Jacob Harris Patton (1812-1903)
Jacob Harris Patton is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York.
The History of the United States of America (1859, 1867)
Concise History of the American People (1876)
Four Hundred Years of American History, Vol. 1 (1876, 1892)
Four Hundred Years of American History, Vol. 2 (1876, 1892)
The Campaign of the Allies: The Surrender of Lord Charles Cornwallis (1881)
The Separation of Church and State in Virginia (1883)
The Democratic Party: Its Political History and Influence (1884, 1888)
The Natural Resources of the United States (1885)
Political Economy for American Youth (1892)
Origin of the Mississippi Valley Rainfall (1893)
Political Parties in the United States: Their History and Influence (1896)
A Popular History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (1903)