John Aspinwall Hodge (1831-1901)
The First Presbyterian Church of Hartford, Connecticut (c. 1886) where John Aspinwall Hodge served as pastor from 1866 to 1894.
John Aspinwall Hodge is buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
What is Presbyterian Law as Defined by the Church Courts? (First Edition, 1882)
What is Presbyterian Law as Defined by the Church Courts? (Fourth Edition, 1882, 1884)
What is Presbyterian Law as Defined by the Church Courts? (Eighth Edition, 1882, 1899)
Memorial Address For Rev. Charles W. Baird, D.D. (1888)
The System of Theology Contained in the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Opened and Explained (1888)
Keep Yourselves in the Love of God (1889)
Historical Note: The Organization of the Synod of Brazil (1889)
Recognition After Death (1889)
The Ruling Elder at Work (1897)
The Palm Branch: The Gospel in Song for Young Children at Home, and in the Sunday School (1898)
Rev. J. Aspinwall Hodge, D.D. (1901)