John Lafayette Girardeau (1825-1898)
Biography (PCA Historical Center)
John Lafayette Girardeau is buried at Elmwood Memorial Gardens, Columbia, South Carolina.
Obituary of Mrs. Eliza Leland (1857)
Conscience and Civil Government: An Oration (1860)
Ordination Sermon for Rev. F.P. Mullally (1860, 1909)
Narrative of the State of Religion (1862)
Our Ecclesiastical Relations to Freedmen (1867)
Confederate Memorial Day Address (1871)
Ministerial Consecration and Ministerial Support (1872)
The Collected Writings of James Henley Thornwell, D.D., LL.D., Vol. 3 (1873)
The Collected Writings of James Henley Thornwell, D.D., LL.D., Vol. 4 (1873)
The Discretionary Power of the Church (1875, 1907)
Covenant of Works Chart (1876)
Covenant of Grace Chart (1876)
The Suffering Seaboard of South Carolina (1876)
Theology as a Science, Involving an Infinite Element: Inaugural Address (1876)
The Philanthropic Argument for Foreign Missions (1878)
The Freedom of the Will in Its Theological Relations (1878-1881)
Review of James McCosh, The Emotions (1880)
The Importance of the Office of Deacon (1881)
The Diaconate Again (1881-1882)
Addendum to George Howe, History of the Presbyterian Church in South Carolina, Vol. 2 (1883)
Eulogy on Professor George Howe, D.D., LL.D. (1883, 1884)
The Federal Theology: Its Import and Its Regulative Influence (1884)
Rev. David H. Porter, D.D. (1884)
The Third Revision of the Directory of Worship (1885)
Harris’ Self-Revelation of God (1887)
Peabody’s Moral Philosophy (1887)
McCosh’s Realistic Philosophy (1887)
Alexander’s Problems of Philosophy (1887)
Plumptre’s “Spirits in Prison” (1887)
An Open Letter to the Members of the Southern Presbyterian Church (1887, 1906)
Instrumental Music in the Public Worship of the Church (1888)
Dr. Morris vs. Future Probation (1888)
Dr. Fairbairn’s “Morality” (1888)
The Contra-Natural Character of the Miracle (1888)
The Miracle, The Principle of Unity in the Evidences of a Divine Revelation (1888)
Reply to Dr. Martin: What is a Miracle (1889)
Individual Liberty and Church Authority (1889)
Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism (1890)
The Will in its Theological Relations (1891)
The Christo-Centric Principle of Theology (1892)
Natural Religion and the Gospel (1893)
Christ’s Pastoral Presence With His Dying People (1896)
The Rev. John Lafayette Girardeau (1898)
Rev. John L. Girardeau, D.D., LL.D. (1899)
Discussions of Philosophical Questions (1900)