John Leighton Wilson is buried at Mount Zion Presbyterian Cemetery, Bishopville, South Carolina.
Matthew’s Gospel Translated into the Grebo Language (1838)
A Dictionary of the Grebo Language in Two Parts (1839)
July 26, 1842 Letter (1842, 1843)
November 25, 1843 Letter (1843, 1844)
July 20, 1844 Letter (1844, 1845)
July 25, 1845 Letter (1845, 1846)
November 9, 1845 Letter (1845, 1846)
A Grammar of the Mpongwe Language, With Vocabularies (1847)
The Moral Condition of Western Africa (1848)
Favorable Indications for the Introduction and Spread of Christianity in Africa (1848)
The Certainty of the World’s Conversion (1848)
The British Squadron on the Coast of Africa (1851)
The Kingdom of Congo and the Roman Catholic Missionaries (1852)
A Grammar of the Bakěľe Language, With Vocabularies (1854)
Ethnographic View of Western Africa (1855)
Religious Belief, Superstitious Notions, and Idolatrous Practices of Northern Guinea (1855)
Western Africa: Its History, Condition, & Prospects (1856)
The Great Revolt in India: Its Effects Upon the Missions of the Presbyterian Board (1857)
December 23, 1857 Letter (1857, 1858)
Missions in Western Africa (1858)
The Revival of the Slave Trade (1859)
Personal Engagement in the Work of Foreign Missions (1862)
The People and Languages of Western Africa (1863)
Correspondence Between the Rev. S.C. Logan and the Rev. Dr. J. Leighton Wilson (1869)
Introduction to Cephas Washburn’s Reminiscences of the Indians (1869)
Missions to the Oriental Churches (1873)
Geographical Discoveries in Equatorial Africa (1878)
Thoughts on Foreign Missions (1879)
Central Equatorial Africa, a New Field For Missionary Effort (1879)
Heads of Mpongwe Grammar; Containing Most of the Principles Needed by a Learner (1879)
Co-Operation in the Foreign Missionary Work (1880)
Report on the Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States (South) (1880)
Our Schemes of Benevolence — Shall They Be Revolutionised? (1881)
Home Missions — How Shall They Be Conducted? (1882)
The Church’s Method of Conducting the Foreign Missionary Work (1883)