John Thomas Duffield (1823-1901)
The Position of the Human Race in the Divine Economy (1852)
The Discovery of the Law of Gravitation (1866)
A Discourse Delivered at the Opening of the Synod of New Jersey...The Second Advent (1866)
The Philosophy of Mathematics (1867)
A Discourse on the History of the Second Presbyterian Church of Princeton, N.J. (1876)
Evolutionism Respecting Man, and the Bible (1878)
The Anthropology of Evolutionism and the Bible (1878)
A Summary of the Argument in Defence of Pre-Millennarianism (1879)
Record of the Class of '41: The Semicentennial Anniversary Reunion, Tuesday June 9th, 1891 (1891)
Presbytery Versus General Assembly (1893)
The Rights of a Suspended Presbyterian Minister (1893)
Subjection to Brethren in the Lord (1893)
The Crisis in the Presbyterian Church (1893)
Federation of the Reformed Churches (1895)
The Genesis and the Exodus of the Portland Inerrancy Deliverance (1895)
Heresy Trials: How They May and Should Be Avoided (1898)
Ordination Vows — In What Sense Binding? (1900)
Revision of the Confession (1900)
The Confessional Crisis (1900)
Confessional Supralapsarianism — The Precise Issue (1900)
Revision of the Presbyterian Confession (1900)