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John Tucker is buried at First Parish Burying Ground, Newbury, Massachusetts.
A Letter to the Rev. Mr. James Chandler, Pastor of the West Church in Rowley. Relative, More Especially, to a Marginal Note of Two in His Sermon Preached at Newbury-Port, June 25, 1767. Preparatory to the Settling of a Minister (1767)
A Sermon Preached at Cambridge, Before His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esq., Governor, His Honor Andrew Oliver, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor, the Honorable His Majesty's Council, and the Honorable House of Representatives, of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, May 29th, 1771, Being the Anniversary For the Election of His Majesty's Council For Said Province [Election Sermon] (1771)
The Validity of Presbyterian Ordination Argued, From Jesus Christ's Being the Founder, the Sole Legislator, and Supreme Head and Ruler of the Christian Church: A Discourse Delivered in the Chapel of Harvard College in Cambridge, New-England, September 2, 1778 [Handwritten Manuscript] (1778)
The Validity of Presbyterian Ordination Argued, From Jesus Christ's Being the Founder, the Sole Legislator, and Supreme Head and Ruler of the Christian Church: A Discourse Delivered in the Chapel of Harvard College in Cambridge, New-England, September 2, 1778 [Published] (1778)
A Sermon, Delivered at Newbury-Port, August 14th 1788: On a Day Set Apart by the First Church there, to Seek the Divine Direction and Blessing in the Choice and Settlement of a Colleague-Pastor with the Rev. Thomas Cary (1788)