Peyton Harrison Hoge (1858-1940)
Peyton Harrison Hoge is buried at Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky.
The Travels of Ego and Alter: An Epistolary Narrative of a Tramp Through the Old Dominion (1879)
The Officers of a Presbyterian Congregation (1886)
The Progressiveness of Christianity (1889)
The Origin of Psalm LXVIII (1890)
The General Assembly [Southern] of 1891 (1891)
The Cultivation of the Missionary Spirit at Home (1892)
History of the First Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, N.C. (1893)
Presbyterianism and the Future (1893)
Natural Law and Divine Providence (1896)
Reminiscences of Jacob Henry Smith (1898)
Whites and Negroes in Wilmington: A Calm Review of the Recent Troubles (1898)
Moses Drury Hoge: Life and Letters (1899)
Dr. Hoge’s Views on Public Prayer (1900)
The Twentieth Century (1900-1901)