Robert Pollok Kerr (1850-1923)
Portrait located at the William Smith Morton Library, Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia (photo by R. Andrew Myers).
Robert Pollok Kerr served as pastor of the Tabb Street Presbyterian Church in Petersburg, Virginia from 1882 to 1884.
Robert Pollok Kerr is buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Nashville, Tennessee.
Presbyterianism for the People (1883)
The People's History of Presbyterianism in All Ages (1888)
Presbyterian Church in the United States [1890 General Assembly] (1890)
The Voice of God in History (1890)
Hymns of the Ages For Public and Social Worship (1891)
Hymns of the Ages For Public and Social Worship (1891, 1893)
Hymns of the Ages For Public and Social Worship (1891, 1902)
The Revised Directory For Worship (1892)
Rev. Robert Pollok Kerr, D.D. (1893)
Education in the Church (1897)
The Religious Element in Education — Parochial Schools (1898)
A Plea For Preparation For Public Prayer (1900-1901)
Will the World Outgrow Christianity, and Other Interrogations on Vital Themes (1901)
The Bible in the Public Schools (1902)
The Blue Flag, or, The Covenanters Who Contended for 'Christ's Crown and Covenant' (1905)
Woman’s Place in the Church and the World (1905)
June 16, 1915 Editorial in The Presbyterian of the South (1915)