Memoirs of Rev. John Leighton Wilson (Book)

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Memoirs of Rev. John Leighton Wilson (Book)


Like the vast majority of our American Presbyterian forefathers and foremothers, the life and ministry of John Leighton Wilson is almost entirely forgotten by modern Christians. Yet his missionary labors on the coast of Western Africa (1834-1852), his service as Assistant Secretary of Foreign Missions for the Old School Presbyterian Church (1853-1861), and his service as the Secretary of Foreign Missions for the Southern Presbyterian Church (1861-1884) are exemplary in so many ways of a life devoted to spreading the gospel of Jesus far and wide. The reader will not quickly forget how God mightily used Wilson to bring the joy of the Lord Christ to the nations.

“Buried beneath the rubble of time and trial lie missionary titans of whom the church does not know. Among these is John Leighton Wilson, 19th century American missionary to West Africa and wearer of many hats: evangelist, pioneer missionary, Bible translator, cultural anthropologist, author, slave emancipator, administrator, and family man. Read this to be informed and inspired.” — Paul Schlehlein

Hampden Coit DuBose (1845-1910) was a Southern Presbyterian missionary in Suzhou, China, from 1872-1910. Like John Leighton Wilson, the subject of this biography, he was born in South Carolina and studied at Columbia Theological Seminary. While in China, he established churches, started schools, wrote Biblical commentaries, and founded the Anti-Opium League. Many of his published works can be found on the Log College Press website.

396 pages.

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