Thomas Patton Stevenson (1838-1912)
Thomas Patton Stevenson is buried at Woodlands Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Constitution — Its Amendment: Address of the Committee on Correspondence (1864)
Amendment of the Constitution (1866)
The Legal Effect and Practical Value of the Proposed Amendment (1872)
Baptism: Its Authority and Meaning, and the Proper Subjects of the Rite (1880)
The Reformed Presbyterian Church (1886)
Women and the Deacon’s Office (1888)
Women Deacons in the Early Christian Church (1888)
Thomas Patton Stevenson, D.D. (1888)
The National Mail Service and the Sabbath (1889)
The Unfinished Aspects of the Covenanting Struggle (1896)
The Harrisburg National Reform Convention (1907)
The Forgiveness of National Sins (1907)
What Constitutes a Christian State? (1907)
Thomas Patton Stevenson, D.D., LL.D. (1930)
The Religious Character of the National Reform Movement (n.d.)