Thornton C. Whaling (1858-1938)
Thornton C. Whaling is buried at Elmwood Memorial Gardens, Columbia, South Carolina.
Our Church and Education (1890)
The Condescension of Some Apostles of Modern Culture (1900)
The Biblical Doctrine of Poverty (1903)
Our Duty Towards the Negro (1903)
Dr. Girardeau as a Philosopher (1910)
Dr. Girardeau as a Theologian (1911)
Dr. Girardeau as a Personality and Character (1912)
Dr. Thornwell as a Theologian (1913)
The Choice of a Vocation (1913)
The Church and Social Reforms (1913)
“The Federation of American Presbyterianism” (1915)
The Making of Woodrow Wilson: An Intimate View of the Man (1925)
The Creed of the Presbyterian Church, U.S. (1927)