William Alexander Parsons Martin (1827-1916)
W.A.P. Martin and his students. Martin is buried at the British Cemetery, Beijing, China.
Remarks on the Ethical Philosophy of the Chinese (1862)
An Old University in China (1871)
The Chinese: Their Education, Philosophy, and Letters (1881)
The Cartesian Philosophy Before Descartes (1888)
Hanlin Papers. Second Series. Essays on the History, Philosophy, and Religion of the Chinese (1894)
Chinese Legends and Other Poems (1894)
Chinese Legends and Lyrics (1894, 1912)
Introduction to Helen S.C. Nevius, The Life of John Livingston Nevius (1895)
A Cycle of Cathay, or China, South and North, With Personal Reminiscences (1896)
The Analytical Reader: A Short Method for Learning to Read and Write Chinese (1897)
The Siege in Peking: China Against the World (1900)
The Lore of Cathay, or, The Intellect of China (1901)
The Jewish Monument at Kaifungfu (1906)