William Anderson Scott, Sr. (1813-1885)
“Robert, Calvin, Martha and William Scott and Mila” (c. 1843-1845), a painting which depicts some of Rev. Scott’s children and a slave owned by the family, during his pastorate in New Orleans, Louisiana.
William Anderson Scott, Sr. is buried at Mount Tamalpais Cemetery, San Rafael, California.
April 21, 1841 Letter to Andrew Jackson (1841)
Hope of Republics; or, The Elements of Permanence in Modern Civilization (1849)
City Missions: In View of Our Emigrant Population (1852)
Baal-Peor; or, What is Shame? (1852)
Uniqueness and Superiority of Our Lord’s Teaching (1853)
Emigration of Free and Emancipated Negroes to Africa (1853)
Lecture on the Chinese Empire (1854)
Daniel, A Model For Young Men (1854)
The Wedge of God: or, Achan in El Dorado (1855)
Trade and Letters: Their Journeyings Around the World (1856)
A Discourse For the Times (1856)
The Giant Judge, or, The Story of Samson (1858)
Esther: The Hebrew-Persian Queen (1859)
The Pacific Expositor, Vol. 1 (1860)
The Pacific Expositor, Vol. 2 (1861)
My Residence In and Departure From California (1861)
The Church in the Army: or, The Four Centurions (1862)
Moses and the Pentateuch: A Reply to Bishop Colenso (1863)