Samuel Davies Alexander pastored the Phillips Presbyterian Church (originally known as the 15th Street
Church) in New York City from 1856 to 1889, when he became their pastor emeritus.
A History of Colonization on the Western Coast of Africa (1846)
Dr. Alexander’s Sketch of Dr. Robert Smith (1855)
Sermons and Essays by the Tennents and Their Contemporaries (1855)
Review of The Pilgrim’s Progress (1859)
History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (1860)
Notes on New Testament Literature and Ecclesiastical History (1861)
Thoughts on Preaching: Being Contributions to Homiletics (1861)
Faith: Treated in a Series of Discourses (1863)
Map of the Presbyterian Church in the United States [PCUSA] (1871)
Princeton College During the Eighteenth Century (1872)
The Influence of Colonization Upon the Evangelization of the World (1873)
Princeton College, Illustrated (1877)
Catalogue of the Writings of the Alexander Family (1880)