What is the "common" eschatology of the church? Charles Hodge answers

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In Charles Hodge’s magnum opus — that is, his Systematic Theology — he addresses the subject of eschatology and summarizes the orthodox beliefs of the Reformed Church concerning ‘last things.’

§ 2. The Common Church Doctrine.

The common Church doctrine is, first, that there is to be a second personal, visible, and glorious advent of the Son of God. Secondly, that the events which are to precede that advent, are

1. The universal diffusion of the Gospel; or, as our Lord expresses it, the ingathering of the elect; this is the vocation of the Christian Church.

2. The conversion of the Jews, which is to be national. As their casting away was national, although a remnant was saved; so their conversion may be national, although some may remain obdurate.

3. The coming of Antichrist.

Thirdly, that the events which are to attend the second advent are: —

1. The resurrection of the dead, of the just and of the unjust.

2. The general judgment.

3. The end of the world. And,

4. The consummation of Christ’s kingdom. (Hodge, Systematic Theology 3:792)

Some of these points are less commonly received by the Reformed Church today, but this summary stands as representative of historic 19th century Presbyterian and Princetonian thought on the end times. It is a good touchstone for the church to consider and discuss today. Start at p. 790 of the third volume of the Systematic Theology and keep reading to see what Hodge has to say about each of the points summarized above.