Charles Augustus Aiken (1827-1892)
Charles Augustus Aiken is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey.
The Epicurean Philosophy (1867)
Inaugural Address at Union College (1870)
The Variable and the Constant in Christian Apology (1872)
Catholic and Protestant Treatment of the Christian Evidences (1873)
Matthew Arnold’s Literature and Dogma (1874)
Discourses Commemorative of the Life and Work of Charles Hodge, D.D., LL.D. (1879)
The Proper Names of the Bible (1879)
The Waning Prestige of the Ministry (1880)
Dartmouth: Its Educational Type, Work, and Products: An Oration (1886)
Syllabus of Lectures: On Special Introduction to the Historical Books of the Old Testament (1889)
Christianity and Social Problems (1892)