Henry Carrington Alexander (1835-1894)
Henry Carrington Alexander is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey (photo credit: R. Andrew Myers).
A Night Never to Be Forgotten (1855)
Ode For the Alumni and Ode (1859)
Tenney’s Manual of Zoology (1868)
Perry’s Elements of Political Economy (1868)
Fitz-Greene Halleck as a Poet (1868)
The Sea: By One on Shore (1869)
Childhood of Joseph Addison Alexander (1869)
The Life of Joseph Addison Alexander, Volume 1 (1870)
The Life of Joseph Addison Alexander, Volume 2 (1870)
Gardiner’s Harmony of the Four Gospels (1872)
Gough’s New Testament Quotations (1873)
The Vedder Lectures for 1874 and 1875 (1876)
The Metaphysical Postulate of Herbert Spencer’s First Principles (1876)
The Modern Doctrine of the Unknowable (1876)
Social Science Under a Christian Aspect (1878)
Some Elements of Religion: Lent Lectures, 1879 (1879)
The Reflex Influence of Religion on the World (1879)
The Alternatives of Unbelief (1879)
Classical Revision of the Greek New Testament (1880)
The Revised Version of the New Testament (1881-1882)
Prof. Bruce’s “Miraculous Element in the Gospels,” Etc. (1888)
Manly’s Bible Doctrine of Inspiration (1888)
With Joy Shall Ye Draw Water Out of the Wells of Salvation (1889)
Optimism and Pessimissm (1889)
The General Doctrine of Inspiration (1890)
The Doctrine of Inspiration Considered on its Divine and on its Human Side (1891)
Henry Carrington Alexander (1891)
A Sermon: Prepare to Meet Thy God, O Israel (1891)
Side-Lights on the Correlation Between Thoughts and Words (1894)